Below you will find details on how to use Sanford Video conferencing System

Connection Options:

  1. Connecting Via Web on a Windows Computer
  2. Connecting Via Web on an Android Smart Phone or Tablet
  3. Connecting via Web on an Apple/iOS device
  4. Help & Support


To connect to the meeting via a web browser, you will need to provide the Jabber Guest web link to everyone connecting via the internet.

  1. On a Windows based PC open Internet Explorer
  2. In the address bar, type the Jabber Guest link found on your invite or meeting confirmation.
  3. Once you have inserted the link press Enter

  4. If you have not already connected to a ReadyCloud Video Conference then the website will ask you to download a plugin.

    To do so, click Download next to Cisco Jabber Guest Plug-in
  5. You will now see the following
  6. Press Save As
  7. Once the file has finished downloading, locate the installer and right click it and select Install
  8. You will now see the following, select Run
  9. Once the setup has finished initialising you will see a dialog box that asks you to Allow or Deny access to your Microphone and Camera. You want to select Always Allow
  10. Depending on your version of windows, you may see the following alert from Windows Firewall. For this you want to put the tick in all three boxes and click Allow Access
  11. Now you will be able to navigate back to Internet Explorer. The page will have reloaded and you can now see your Camera. When you are ready to join the meeting click Call
  12. Once you click call you will be connected to the Virtual Meeting Room


To connect to the meeting via Apple/iOS, you will need to provide the Jabber Guest web link.

  1. Open the app store and in the search bar type Jabber Guest and press Search
  2. The one you want will be at the top and it will look like this.
    Find the right one and Install it
  3. Once the web browser has opened click the bar at the top
  4. Once your browser has opened tap the search bar. In the search bar please enter the Jabber Guest link provided by the meeting room acceptance email or via the meeting organiser.
  5. Once the page has loaded you should see the following pop-up. Press Open
  6. This will now open the app you just installed. You may get a prompt to allow access to the Camera, click OK to this message
    Once the app is ready you should see Call down the bottom and a number up the top.
    Press the Call button when you are ready


For more information please email the helpdesk or you can go into the helpdesk portal or phone +64 (9) 373 8396